Why Choose Us
It is are pleasure to work with you and make your dreams come true! Since we began Let's Study English in 2004 we have very much enjoyed your company. Please see below all references and comments from past students, who we are still very much in contact with and some of whom we consider to be good friends.
Nuveen being a part of TIAA is a truly global player with offices all over the world in English speaking countries namely England, Germany and The USA.
Leo Hill at Let’s Study English is a well known coach for Soft Skills for International Meetings and I found this course to be very useful while having communication with the different offices and cultural differences of the staff.
I look forward to keeping in contact with Leo and can recommend him to fellow Germans, as an excellent coach.
- Michael Klauke-Werner, Managing Director, Real Estate Specialist, International Advisory Services, Germany
We at Knight Frank are an international firm with offices all the world and we take development of our staff very seriously! Being the Managing Director I work closely with the London team and have found Leo Hill at Let’s Study English to be an excellent trainer and have enjoyed his clever Soft Skill English course for International Meetings. He also offers a very individual concept tailored for Real Estate mangers with over 18 years of experience here in Germany. I therefore can fully recommend him to prospective clients, as an reliable trainer who gives you confidence to speak English and feel comfortable in the language. Wishing you a very successful future and thanks.
- Ralph Schonder, Managing Director at Knight Frank in Deutschland
For the past 18 months we have been running two small groups of four students. Here at WEY we are a truly global player with customers throughout Europe and English is a major part of our daily lives. My colleagues and I have found Leo Hill to be an excellent trainer and we particularly like his relationship between Business English training and The every day life, preparing my staff for real life Business situations. We now look forward to a very successful 2019 continuing our excellent working relationship with Leo Hill at Let’s Study English.
- Marco Schwarz, Managing Director of WEY Technology Germany
We at P3 are truly Pan European company with offices all over Europe and hae found Leo Hill at Let's Study English to be an excellent trainer. His clever English course with Soft Skills for Internationals Meetings and his English for Real Estate course have been found to be very valuable to my team. I can fully recommend him to prospective clients, as reliable and an outstanding individual.
- Jurgen Diehl, Managing Director Germany, Member of the Management Team
Dear Leo,
the boys are coming back from Oxford this week-end, it seems to have been a great success. They appreciate their teachers. Especially our exchange student, AJ, who suffered a lot in our German school system likes the way they are teaching.
Thank you for your recommendation.
Best regards,
- Karin in Bad Soden
Leo Hill ist ein hervorragender Sprachtrainer. Der Unterrichtsinhalt wurde zu Beginn des Sprachkurses speziell auf meine Bedürfnisse abgestimmt. So konnte ich in wenigen Monaten meine Sprachfähigkeiten deutlich verbessern und das immobilienwirtschaftliche Fachvokabular vertiefen. Durch die Möglichkeit die Unterrichtsstunden individuell in meinem Büro durchzuführen, konnte ich den Sprachkurs optimal in meinen Terminkalender integrieren.
- Marcus Braun MRICS, öffentlich bestellter und vereidigter Sachverständiger für die Bewertung von bebauten und unbebauten Grundstücken
In den letzten sechs Jahren haben meine Frau und ich sowie unsere Kinder Herrn Leo Hill von „Let’s Study English“ als sehr professionell und serviceorientiert wahrgenommen. Herr Hill verfügt über ausgezeichnete Kontakte in Großbritannien.
- Herbert Walter
Gerne möchten wir darauf hinweisen, dass der Unterricht von Herrn Hill über die reinen sprachlichen und grammatikalischen Lehrinhalte hinausging. Nach wenigen Wochen konnte bei unseren Mitarbeitern und mir als Praxisinhaber deutliche Verbesserungen sowohl bei Gesprächen als auch bei der schriftlichen Kommunikation mit den Patienten verzeichnet werden.
Herr Hill ist sehr zuverlässig und äußert flexibel bezüglich kurzfristiger Terminabsprachen und Unterrichtsinhalten. Sein Unterricht erfüllte alle unsere Ansprüche stets zur vollsten Zufriedenheit. Wir können Herrn Hill daher uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen.
- Dr. med. Torsten Krug, Internist und Kardiologe
...Themeninhalte wurden hauptsächlich in einem wirtschaftlichen Zusammenhang unterrichtet...Vielmehr wurden auch wichtige internationale Verhandlungs- und Verhaltensregeln angesprochen.
Über die Dauer von zwei Jahren konnte das Niveau in Englisch in unserem Hause extrem verbessert werden
- Jürgen Hohmann, Human Resources
I did enjoy the summerschool and I liked the daytrips to London and Brighton. The lessons were also quite interesting. Another good thing was the big variety of activities. The only bad thing was the cantine and I have to admit that the food at wasn't very tasty.
- Moritz from Frankfurt
On the parents' perspective we had the impression that everything went very well and Moritz' plan to go back again next year speaks for itself....
- Thomas and Angelika Westermann
After two successful summerschools we then asked Leo Hill for finding a matching boarding school for our son Robert.
His preparation course with Leo prepared him well for the decision and the entrance exams.
Leo's recommandation of Wellington College for Robert was a perfect choice. Robert is in his right place!
- Christine